Friday, April 28, 2006


Every morning, while I am waiting for the train ...
I see her on the platform ...
I am not sure if she is working or studying ...
but one thing for sure ...
No matter what time I take the train, she will be there ...

Well, I guess it is quite normal if I take the same train ...
However, as a matter of fact ...
Usually, I get to the station at 9.15am ...
8.35am, 10.45am, 11.25am, 11.55am sometimes ...

As noticed, although she dressed-up ...
kida differently everyday ...
With various of earrings, shoes ...
Her hairs are always wet and sorta messy ...

Is she real ... or is she part of my imagination? God knows ...
I just need to get some sleep and finish up this post ...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Household ChitChat # 6

hey my dearest, how are you?

oh well, because of the unpeditable weather and lack of sleep, many people in class and teachers are sort of sick. they just keep coughing and sneezing in class, what a pity!

on the other hand, not because of the weather and lack of sleep, michael has been in the hospital for almost 2 weeks. as we heard from dr. mike, he got fluid in his lungs. it sounds pretty serious, we do worry about him. hopefully, he will be fine and get well soon. < -- i just think, he should have smoked less -- >

for tomorrow, i am not sure if you guys remember, i got makeup class, from 8:30am to 3:30pm. also, jonny has invited his friends to come over and have a house-warming party.

alrighty, that's all for this week! i will talk to you guys later when i have time. good luck!


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Paper Clip Will Do

G'day Jill, here is the deal -
I tell you a news,
You pay all my bills
Or buy me 10 litres of milk.
As I showed a great zeal,
And only demanded a few,
I am sure you will,
Agree with the deal.
* Giggle * Giggle *

Okay, here comes the news "Man trading up from paper clip to house". It is about a 26-year-old Canadian guy called Kyle MacDonald who had a red paper clip and a dream: "Could it be possible for me to use the community power of the Internet to barter this paper clip for something better, and trade that thing for something else - and so on and so on until I got a house?"

As you can tell from the headline, he actually started to carry out his plan in last June and close enough to make his dream come true, after a cross-continental trading trek involving a fish-shapen pen, a small ceramic doorknob, a camping stove, a generator, an "instant party package" to a snowmobile.
And then, his "deed" was known by people and was invited onto Canadian television, he was asked if there was anywhere he would not go to trade the snowmobile. He spit it out, "Yahk, a hamlet in the Canadian Rockies."
After that, a snowmobiling magazine dramatically offered him an expense-paid trip to Yahk in exchange for the snowmobile. He did not go for the trip but transferred it to a manager and in return he got a van that had been planning to sell. He then gave the van to a musician that works at a recording studio, arranged a recording contract, with studio and a promise to pitch the finished product to music executives. Later than that, of course, he sold this contract to someone else ... Jody Gnant, a singer in Phoenix who owns a duplex. And that is how Kyle MacDonald has turned a paper clip into a year of shelther for free in Phoenix.
As MacDonald said, he will keep going until he gets his very own home and I guess, he will get there soon, as he actually got an offer from Hollywood studios to turn his story into a film! <-- Huge amount of money is gonna jump into his pocket -->
Well, I am not saying whether you should make an "investment" like MacDonald ... He just gave me an idea on how we can get to success - Set your goal, make it clear, work on it, move towards it bit by bit and surely you will get there at last. For example, there is an 2,500-word essay due in 5 days which seems to be a lot of work ... but if you can find 2 really good references and write 500 words a day, you will be able to finish it on time with 10 references in the bibliography. *Chuckle*

Friday, April 14, 2006

Daddy is Here!

Just as usual, turn on the computer and read the news on net once I crawled out of my comfy bed. It is kind of relax today, as there is no school ...
Hmm...There is a news with the headline "3-year-old grasses on dad". Grass in here is a verb and means give away information about somebody. And as a matter of fact, this news is about a little girl give away her dad after being told by her parents that she should always be honest.
Dieter Brauer, 33, from Vreden in Germany was hiding from the police after running away when pulled over for speeding. And because the police noted down his number plate, they went to his house to arrest him. While his wife Nina said, her husband was not home, their 3-year-old daughter Hannah interrupted to tell the police "daddy is here" and led them to the cellar where he was hiding.
So, Brauer is now facing charges for speeding and driving with an expired licence. However, he is not angry with Hannah as he understands that she was just doing what they have always told her.
Well, I am not sure about the penality of Brauer, but I think it is good for him for not being ambivalent and sort of setting a "good example" to his daughter - As none of us is perfect and all of us make mistake sometimes, instead of runny away or ignoring, you will have to face it and learn from it, make sure it will never happen again.

Easter Bunny in Trouble

As a result of public holiday, interesting news actually "read 1 get 1 free". Another news I wanna talk about is "German sues Easter Bunny". Why he does that? Umm...let see!

As reported, a man called Karl-Friedrich Lentze from Berlin, has taken legal action against the Easter Bunny for harming his health severely. He has filed a complaint with prosecutors, blaming Easter Bunny of causing addiction to chocolate which leads to heart attacks, obesity and strokes.

Lentze described Easter Bunny as "a sadistic and unscrupulous offender who preys on people's sweet tooth". He also stated that, "This evil bunny should be found, being handcuffed and removed from shops in time for Easter."

On the other hand, public prosecutor spokesman Christian Avenarius said, "We will act upon the complaint with speed and without laziness."
I found this German ridiculous. Just like the smokers who sue the tobacoo manufactures, for causing them lung cancer and heart disease. It is just totally nonsense. They are adults, they should be responsible for the consequences if they cannot stop eating chocolate or smoking.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Household ChitChat # 5

hello my love, how are you?

while I am talking a break from one assignment to another, i take the chance to have a word with you guys. umm ... all i can say about this week is, work! work! work! all i wanna say about this week is, stress! stress! stress!

hey, tell you something ... i found it quite interesting to see people take turns to fall asleep in class. people are just so tired that, even they are working on an assignment, typing, they fall asleep in front of the computer. sometimes, they fall into deep sleep so quickly that, within a minute, they start to snooze. we won't wake them up and the teacher won't ask us to wake them up, as it is fairly understandable. moreover, usually, they will just sleep for a little while and wake up themselves.

alrighty, as a matter of fact, i do wanna sleep, so ... better go now, back to work. i'll talk to you guys later. okay!

best wishes,

Thursday, April 06, 2006

No More Complaint

well, as everybody knows, i am kinda person that like to complain about having nightmares all the time. but, i guess, from now on, i won't mention a word about them again. never ever. as a matter of fact, i find myself extremely lucky to have dreams, even they are bad. you know what i meant? when you got so much work to do and hardly have time to sleep, dreams won't even exist! so, no more complaint, sammie!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

My Angel, I.T.A.L.Y.

If angels really exist in this world, I have a few questions for you to think of. What do you think they are? What do you think they have been doing?
My friend shared a story with me and it begins like this ...
Once upon a time, there was a child ready to be born.
One day the child asked God, "I have heard that you are gonna send me down to the world tomorrow, but how am I gonna live there being so small and helpless?" God replied, "I have chosen an angel to take care of you."
"But" said the child,"here in Heaven I do not have anything else to do but sing and smile." That's what I need to be happy! God said, "Your angel will sing for you everyday. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy."
"And" said the child, "how am I gonna be able to understand when people talk to me, if I do not know the language that they talk?" "That's easy", God said. "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak".
The child looked up at God saying, "And what am I gonna do when I wanna talk to you?" God smiled at the child saying, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray".
The child said, "I've heard on earth there are bad people. Who will protect me?" God put his arm around the child and said, "Your angel will defend you - even if it means risking life!"
The child looked up at God again saying, "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore". "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you".
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard. The child in a hurry, asked softly, "Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name!" God replied, "Your angel's name is of no importance...just simply call her "MOMMY!"
Surely, my mum is my angel and from the day I come to this world, she actually does far more than what have mentioned above. As a matter of fact, I am such a lucky fellow that she is not the only angel that around me. I believe, my dad, my younger sister and my dear friends...they are all my angels! I truly always love you, my angels :D