Friday, April 14, 2006

Easter Bunny in Trouble

As a result of public holiday, interesting news actually "read 1 get 1 free". Another news I wanna talk about is "German sues Easter Bunny". Why he does that? Umm...let see!

As reported, a man called Karl-Friedrich Lentze from Berlin, has taken legal action against the Easter Bunny for harming his health severely. He has filed a complaint with prosecutors, blaming Easter Bunny of causing addiction to chocolate which leads to heart attacks, obesity and strokes.

Lentze described Easter Bunny as "a sadistic and unscrupulous offender who preys on people's sweet tooth". He also stated that, "This evil bunny should be found, being handcuffed and removed from shops in time for Easter."

On the other hand, public prosecutor spokesman Christian Avenarius said, "We will act upon the complaint with speed and without laziness."
I found this German ridiculous. Just like the smokers who sue the tobacoo manufactures, for causing them lung cancer and heart disease. It is just totally nonsense. They are adults, they should be responsible for the consequences if they cannot stop eating chocolate or smoking.

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